At the beginning of the last school year, coincidentally when we went house-supply shopping i believe, i picked up a really nice vase. No flowers in mind really. Choose: wishful thinking or delusional? Both I suppose. Until today it had had no flowers in it whatsoever. Kinda dusty and smudged. So today, in the evening, bored of watching about 10 straight episodes of radio free roscoe, I left my house for almost no reason at all. Wandering really. Since it was payday, I figured I would just buy whatever would make me happy. Wandering by the flowers in the grocery store (really, who cares where they're from, unless of course, they're from someone else) I thought, why not? And so, I chose some pretty, although I knew they'd be stinky-ish, lilies. So, I got a "who'd you get those from??" from my dad. A "that's cute" from my mom when I told her I bought them, and a "that's nice" from one of my sisters. Yes, that's right. Well, I think it adds something to my bookshelf-ridden-dirty-laundry-generally-scattered room. And it smells like no other.
Oh well, back to watching the rest of every episode ever made of rfr.
Oh well, back to watching the rest of every episode ever made of rfr.
good for you :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:23 PM