« Home | The question I've been asked most often lately ref... » | Ouchy...I gave blood for the second time yesterday... » | I.just.don't.know.anymore. It's the beginning of s... » | frist day!!11 » | Well, it looks like I start work in a week, and it... » | aaaaaand cut » | I figure that not having the internet at home at t... » | is there something in the air? » | I'm here. I'm at home. All because my mom called m... » | Huge exam tomorrow...and only the first of five. O... »

So, I haven't written a lot since I started this job, and not for lack of trying either. Every few days I start to type, get distracted, and then pretty much forget about it. I'd like to say that I've been doing a lot of exciting things, but to other people what I've been doing probably isn't that exciting. I just got back from doing a little greenhouse tour, and after a while I have to say that all plants pretty much look the same to me. I like the flowers though, even though I kinda prefer mine nicely cut and in a nice vase and preferably delivered and paid for :) So! May long weekend. Not so much for me...worked Saturday and am working now. It's all good though. Work isn't really work. Honestly I'm loving it. Yesterday we went to see The Da Vinci Code, as Holly explains. It was good. Followed the book, no complaints on that end. Kinda affirmed my urge to go to Europe...eventually. I'm all about the castles and the history mostly. So I'll read a billion books before I go so that I know what I'm seeing. Oh! I get to play slopitch today. Not sure how I feel about that. Kinda hoping I'll be benched if need be. I don't mind making a fool out of myself, just not in front of super competitive people. Especially if they're on my team. Aaaanyway...I'm off to watch boys do dangerous things on little bikes and skateboards...