So! After I watched the boys on their little bikes, I came back to my car and promptly locked my keys in my car. Crap. I'm always the super-est cautious about that, I've done it once before and that was crappy. But I had another set of keys in my hand so, it made me think that I had those in my hand and not in my purse. My dad had to come and break into my car for me. With screwdrivers and a hanger. It was pretty cool, I didn't know it worked that way. Good thing I have an immobilizer and a club, I am one ignorant car owner. So then, it was off to slopitch in Altona. Woo! Sat still on the bench for half the game (also woo!), well, maybe not so woo, but still, only had half the game to make an ass of myself, and as batcatcher (what a dumb name) at that. And I had a hit! I eventually got to third, out there, though. And my out (forced) was the last of the game! Way to go!!! Man, if I didn't suck so much at hitting, catching, and throwing, I might be okay at this. I just need a bit more practice I guess. Everyone is very nice though, so that's good. play ball!
It's "back"catcher, you know. Not quite so cheesy! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:22 PM
man! that explains a lot...i stared at it for like five minutes and even googled corrections from the great google, so i assumed it was okay. :)
Posted by
Jen |
5:38 PM