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It's almost December, and I'm going home this weekend. I'm going home because they miss me and they said so. I miss them too. I've almost had it up to here with this crap called being independent. They've had the Christmas tree up for weeks now, and that's strange. Usually it only goes up in December sometime. I kinda wish I had been there. I'm also going home for the coffee. The never ending supply of fresh coffee. And probably the chocolate that will inevitably be lying around, since after all, it is Christmas.

What're you getting your family for Christmas this year? I want to be more creative with less money this year. I don't think the standard 'here's a book' would really make me feel all that good. Gift certificates aren't so fun either. As in, the last...oh say...10 years I've gotten my dad a gift certificate. Not so fun when you're trying to buy stuff for people who could buy themselves anything but still wouldn't. Malls are heck this time of year by the way. Not fun. Man, if only everyone I knew wanted books, I could just hang out in Chapters for a couple hours....hmmmm.