You know, the funniest part of the drive back to Winnipeg from Steinbach is the part going north on the 59, where you come across a sign that says: Winnipeg 14 , and then less than a minute later, you get one saying: Winnipeg 8. Yeah, I thought it was interesting.
Today I went to a really awesome prayer summit in Steinbach at southland community church. It was really good. I also went to my church on Saturday night, which was less than good. I thought I'd be okay not knowing anyone there, well, of course I knew the worship leading people but that's different. But there's really really low attendance on Saturdays, I had forgotten that. Not exactly what I was used to. Oh well.
Watched the Junos tonight. Only reason why probably is because they were so close to here. Wouldn't really care otherwise. Well, I didn't have any expectations about what Winnipeg could do, so well, I wasn't disappointed.
Today I went to a really awesome prayer summit in Steinbach at southland community church. It was really good. I also went to my church on Saturday night, which was less than good. I thought I'd be okay not knowing anyone there, well, of course I knew the worship leading people but that's different. But there's really really low attendance on Saturdays, I had forgotten that. Not exactly what I was used to. Oh well.
Watched the Junos tonight. Only reason why probably is because they were so close to here. Wouldn't really care otherwise. Well, I didn't have any expectations about what Winnipeg could do, so well, I wasn't disappointed.

i love the pictures! i wish i could have been there...there were surprisingly few people at church on sunday too. i took lori and kendra, and then there was jen and steve (didn't even sit together), todd and andrea with andrea's parents and....andrea giesbrecht with two girls i didnt' know. and i think i saw don. anywhoo, this wednesday you should make some room in your time ;)
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Anonymous |
9:17 AM